Orthodontics is a medical specialization aiming at prevention, diagnostics and treatment of irregularities of jaws and dentition. Orthodontic treatment is possible at any age, the most suitable time for treatment being the period of growth of the patient.
Preconditions of successful treatment
- Perfect mouth hygiene – before and during the treatment the patient is expected to have tartar removed, caries treated and the teeth perfectly cleaned.
- Regular dental care – even during the orthodontic treatment the patient passes regular preventive checks by his/her dentist. The orthodontist does not supply for the dental care.
- Observance of the surgeon’s instructions – the patient comes for regular checks, wears the appliance observing the instructions and informs the surgeon about possible complications.
Course of the treatment
- Preliminary examination, determination of the suitable treatment.
- Entry examination, impressions of the dentition, photos, X-rays, instruction on mouth hygiene.
- Consultation of the treatment plan.
- Application of the appliance (after previous separations with the fixed appliance).
- Checks.
- Retention phase of the treatment.